Thursday, July 19, 2012
Hi TGMCians,

I am sure that most of beginners in development are confused about which software or tool should be used for which purpose???
Yeah… even I was confused when I was a beginner and I was in a dilemma for a few days… so I thought I can help you in some way of getting rid of this confusion.
In any software development we should undergo few processes…we have to use some tools depending on the process we have to do.
The common processes we have to undergo in a project development includes
1) Modeling (UML Diagram Designing)
2) Preparing SRS (Documentation)
3) Development (Code Development, Database Development and managing both)
4) Testing
Note: I am going to describe the tools used according to TGMC Projects… for other projects you can use the same type of tools provided by different vendors.
Now I will try to explain the software’s or tools that can be used for above 4 processes.
1) Modeling
Modeling means designing UML Diagrams which are nothing but representing the flow control of the project using pictorial representation.
We can do it either by using Rational Rose or Rational Software Architect which helps in designing UML Diagrams in easiest way.
2) Preparing SRS
SRS (Software Requirement Specification) is a document which is used to specify project requirements,functions,Architecture and other requirements for a software development process.
According to Wikipedia SRS is a requirements specification for a software system – is a complete description of the behavior of a system to be developed and may include a set of use cases that describe interactions the users will have with the software. In addition it also contains non-functional requirements. Nonfunctional requirements impose constraints on the design or implementation (such as performance engineering requirements, quality standards, or design constraints), and are sometimes referred to as "ilities".
For documentation purpose we can use IBM LOTUS SYMPHONY Software which is a documentation software by which we can create presentations, word documents and Spreadsheets. We can even generate word document to PDF format by which we can submit directly to TGMC.
Download Lotus Symphony
Know more about how to create SRS for TGMC Project
3) Development
Development of a software project is the actual task we have to do to create our ideas into implementations.
Development is basically involves with few types of tools which are used for development and deployment easy.
A) Platform
Platform in general is the operating system you are using to develop your software project, Most used operating systems for development are Linux(UBUNTU,FEDORA,RED HAT LINUX),Windows Solaris and other operating systems which I don’t know(Sorry for this).
TGMC Awards more points if you develop your project using Linux Based operating systems than windows based systems. Moreover Linux operating systems are open source operating systems so you need not to worry of buying a product.
Download UBUNTU
Download Fedora
B) IDE(Integrated Development Environment)
IDE is a software program which makes the development, deployment simpler, faster and easier. It is a graphical Interface which provides an environment for development of project. It generally consists of a source code editor, Build Automation tools includes a compiler,packager,running tests, deployment and documentation(for us it is JAVA Docs) and Debugger.
In TGMC we can basically use two IDE’s Eclipse and RAD (Rational Application Developer) which provides an awesome environment for developing Java based applications and provides Server Integration.
RAD is built on eclipse which is an extension of eclipse and it provides a wide range of development tools and also integrates IBM WAS (Web Sphere Application Server) which is used as the Application Server.
Download Eclipse
Download RAD
C) Application Server or Web Server
Application server or web server is a tool which is used for serving web pages when receives a request from the client as it built on request-response mechanism which is used for serving clients.
It does mainly two tasks one is Input/output Operations like serving web pages and managing networking activities through http or https protocols which are basically used for web applications.
It is responsible for compilation, execution and maintaining our application
We can use either WASCE (WebSphere Application Server Community Edition) which is a cost free server which can be downloaded from IBM website and WAS(WebSphere Application Server).
Download WAS
Download WASCE
D) Database Server
A database server is a computer program that provides database services to other computer programs or computers, as defined by the client–server model. The term may also refer to a computer dedicated to running such a program. Database management systems frequently provide database server functionality, and some DBMSs (e.g., DB2, MySQL) rely exclusively on the client–server model for database access.
Such a server is accessed either through a "front end" running on the user’s computer which displays requested data or the "back end" which runs on the server and handles tasks such as data analysis and storage.
Though there are many database servers available we have to use IBM DB2 which has a wide range of features and provides greater security and reliability for the databases.
Download DB2 Know More About DB2
4) Testing
Testing is the last phase of project development before deployment.
According to Wikipedia
Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service under test. Software testing can also provide an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks of software implementation. Test techniques include, but are not limited to, the process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs (errors or other defects).
Software testing can be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a software program/application/product:
1) Meets the requirements that guided its design and development
2) works as expected
3) can be implemented with the same characteristics
4) Satisfies the needs of stakeholders
We can do testing by two ways. Manually and using tools.
Manual testing does not need any software as we are the testers for testing manually for above characteristics.
Tools Testing
We can do testing of our project by using many tools but for our TGMC Project we can use IBM RFT (Rational Functional Tester)
The Rational Functional Tester software is an automated tool which provides testers with automated testing capabilities for functional testing, regression testing, and GUI testing and data-driven testing.
Download RFT Trial
These are basically we used to develop a TGMC Project.if you have any doubts please comment below.
Thank You!

Which IBM Tools for which purpose???
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