Thursday, October 14, 2010
- CLR: Common Language Runtime
- DBMS: Database Management System
- RDBMS: Relational Database Management System
- OSI : Open System Interconnection
- TCP : Transmission control Protocol
- IP : Internet Protocol
- DLL : Data Link Layer
- VB : Visual Basic
- GUI : Graphical User Interface
- PC: Personal Computer
- HTML : Hypertext Markup Language
- XML : Extended Markup Language
- ASP : Active Server Pages
- ADO : Active Data Objects
- URL : Universal Resourse Locator
- UDP : User Datagram Protocol
- MDI : Multiple Document Interface
- JIT : Just In Time
- COM : Component Object Model
- NT : New Technology
- RAM : Rendom Access Memory
- ROM : Read Only Memory
- CD : Compact Disc
- DVD : Digital Versatile Disc
- DNS : Domain Name Service
- ORB: Object Relational Bridge
- COBRA: Common Object Request Broker Architechture
- J2EE: Java 2 Enterprise Edition
- J2SE: Java 2 Standard Edition
- SQL: Structured Query Language
- LDAP: LightWeight Directory Access Protocol
- NTFS: New Technology File System
- DAO: Data Access Objects
- JDO: Java Data Objects
- JSP: Java Server Pages
- ICMP: Internet Controlled Message Protocol
- IGMP: Internet Group Message Protocol
- PHP: (Recursive acronyme)PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
- EJB: Enterprise Java BEans http: hyper text transfer protocol
- ftp: file transfer protocol
- smtp: simple mail transfer protocol
- ERP : Enterprise Resourse Planning
- CRM : Customer Relationship Management
- UDP : User Datagram Protocol
- URI : Universal Resource Indicator
- IE : Internet Explorer
- IIS : Internet Information Server
- FIFO : First In First Out
- LIFO : Last In First Out
- SNMP: Simple Network Managment Protocol
- FTP: File Transfer Protocol
- PING: Packet Internet Gopher
- POP: Post Office Protocol
- IMAP: Internet Message Application Protocol
- GIF: Graphic Interchange Format
- PNG: Portable network Graphics
- MPEG: Motion Pictures Experts Group
- OOP : object Oriented Programming
- NTD : No Touch Deployment
- IL : Intermediate Language
- GAC : Global Assembly Cache
- DLL : Dynamic Link Library
- ANSI : American National Standards Institute
- DHTML : Dymamic Hypertext Markup Language
- GDI : Graphical Device Interface
- GUID : Globally Unique Identifier
- RFC : Request For Comment
- SMPS: Switch Mode Power Supply
- ALU: Arithmetic Logic Unit
- API: Application Programming Interface
- JVM: Java Virtual Machine
- MVC: Model View Controller
- DSP: Digital Signal Processing
- ODBC: Open Database Connectivity
- AWT: Abstract Window ToolKit
- TDD: Test Driven Development
- DOM : Document Object Model
- SDI : Single Document Interface
- SOAP : Simple Object Access Protocol
- SSL : Secure Socket Layer
- UPN : User Principal Name
- DML : Data Manipulation Language
- DDL : Data Defination Language ASP-Active Server Pages
- DHTML-Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Lnguage
- CSS-Cascading Style Sheet
- ORDBMS-Object-Oriented Relational Database Managament System
- ADT Application Data Types
- ADU Automatic Dialing Unit
- AE Above or Equal
- AEB Analog Expansion Bus [Dialogic]
- AF Auxiliary carry Flag
- AFA Accelerated File Access
- AFC Automatic Font Change + Automatic Frequency Control
- AFD Automatic File Distribution
- AFII Association for Font Information Interchange
- AFIRM Automated Fingerprint Image Reporting and Match
- AFIS Automated Fingerprint Identification System
- .AFM Adobe Font Metrics (file name extension)
- [Adobe Systems]
- AFP Appletalk Filing Protocol [Macintosh]
- AFS Andrew File System (protocols)
- AFTP Anonymous File Transfer Protocol
- AGC Automatic Gain Control
- AGRAS Antiglare-Antireflective-Antistatic
- AGU Address-Generation Unit
- AI Analog Input + Artificial Intelligence
- AIA Applications Integration Architecture [DEC]
- AIC AIXwindows Interface Composer [IBM]
- AIF Audio Interchange Format
- AIIM Association for Information and Image Management
- AIN Advanced Intelligent Network [Bell Atlantic]
- AIS Automated Identification System [NCIC]
- AISB Association of Imaging Service Bureaus
- AISP Association of Information Systems Professionals
- AIX Advanced Interactive Executive [IBM]
- ALC Arithmetic and Logic Circuits +
- Automatic Level Control
- ALE Address Latch Enable
- ALGOL Algorithmic Oriented Language (see IAL)
- ALIBI Adaptive Location of Internetworked Bases
- of Information
- ALINK Active Link [HTML]
- ALIWEB Archie Like Indexing in the Web [Internet]
- ALN Asynchronous Learning Network
- ALR Advanced Logic Research, Inc.
- ALT Alternate (mode)
- ALT. Alternate lifestyle [USENET Newsgroup Category]
- ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit
- AMANDDA Automated Messaging and Directory Assistance
- AMD Active Matrix Display +
- Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
- AMI American Megatrends, Inc.
- AMMA Advanced Memory Management Architecture
- [Everex Systems]
- AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Service
- ANCOVA Analysis of Covariance
- ANDF Architecture-Neutral Distribution Format
- ANI Automatic Number Identification
- .ANI Animated Cursor (file name extension) [Microsoft]
- ANN Artificial Neural Network
- .ANN Annotations (file name extension) [IBM]
- ANOVA Analysis Of Variance
- ANSI American National Standards Institute
- AO Analog Output
- AOCE Apple Open Collaboration Environment
- AOE Application Operating Environment [AT&T]
- AOL America Online
- AOS Add Or Subtract
- ISP: internet service provider
- JSP: Java Server Pages
- AA Auto Answer
- AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting
- AAB All-to-All Broadcast
- AAC Advanced Audio Coding
- AAL Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaption Layer
- AAM Automatic Acoustic Management
- AAP Applications Access Point [DEC]
- AARP AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol
- AAS All-to-All Scatter
- AASP ASCII Asynchronous Support Package
- AAT Average Access Time
- AATP Authorized Academic Training Program [Microsoft]
- .ABA Address Book Archive (file name extension) [Palm]
- ABC * Atanasoff-Berry Computer (First digital calculating machine that used vacuum tubes)
- ABEND Abnormal End
- ABI Application Binary Interface
- ABIOS Advanced BIOS
- ABIST Automatic Built-In Self-Test [IBM]
- ABLE Adaptive Battery Life Extender
- ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode
- ABR Available Bit Rate
- ABRD Automatic Baud Rate Detection
- ABRS Automated Book Request System [British Library]
- ABS Address Book Synchronization [IBM] + Absolute ABT Abort
- ABTS ASCII Block Terminal Services
- AC Autocheck + Automatic Computer + Alternating Current
- ACAP Application Configuration Access Protocol
- ACC Accumulator
- ACCMAIL Accessing the Internet Via Email
- ACD Automatic Call Distribution
- ACDI Asynchronous Communications Device Interface
- ACE Access Control Encryption/Entry + Adobe Certified Expert + Advanced Computing Environment [SCO] + Adverse Channel Enhancements [Microcom] + * Automatic Computing Engine
- ACF Access Control Field + Advanced Communications Function
- ACH Automated Clearing House
- ACIAS Automated Calibration Interval Analysis System
- ACIS American Committee for Interoperable Systems
- ACK Acknowledgment
- ACL Access Control List + Asynchronous Connection-Less (link)
- ACM Association for Computing Machinery
- Audio Compression Manager [Microsoft]
- ACMS Application Control Management System
- ACP Ancillary Control Program + Auxiliary Control Process
- ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
- ACR Allowed Cell Rate
- ACROSS Automated Cargo Release and Operations
- Service System
- ACS Access + Access Control Set + Access Control System +
- * Advanced Computer System [IBM] +
- Anti Curl System + Asynchronous Communication Server
- ACSS Audio Cascading Style Sheets
- ACTLU Active Logical Unit
- ACTPU Active Physical Unit
- ACTS Automated Computer Time Service
- ACTT Advanced Communication and Timekeeping Technology [Seiko]
- ACU Automatic Calling Unit
- ACVC Ada Compiler Validation Capacity
- A/D Analog to Digital
- ADA Automatic Data Acquisitions +
- (Programming Language named after Augusta Ada Lovelace)
- ADB Apple Desktop Bus
- ADC Adaptive Data Compression (protocol) [Hayes] +
- Add with Carry + Analog to Digital Converter
- ADCCP Advanced Data Communication Control Procedures/Protocol
- ADD Automatic Document Detection [WordPerfect]
- ADF Automatic Document Feeder +
- Automatically Defined Function
- .ADF Adapter Description File (file name extension)
- ADI AutoCad/AutoDesk Device Interface (driver)
- ADL Address Data Latch
- ADLAT Adaptive Lattice Filter
- ADLC Adaptive Lossless Data Compression [IBM] +
- Asynchronous Data Link Control
- ADMACS Apple Document Management And Conrol System
- ADMD Administrative Management Domain [X.400]
- ADO ActiveX Data Objects
- ADP AOLserver Dynamic Pages + Automatic Data Processing
- ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation
- ADR Address
- ADS Application Development Solutions [AT&T] +
- Application Development System +
- Automatic Distribution System
- ADSC Address Status Changed +
- Adobe Document Structuring Conventions
- ADSI Active Directory Service Interface [Microsoft] +
- Analog Display Services Interface
- ADSL (See DSL)
- ADSP AppleTalk Datastream Protocol
- ADSR Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release
- ADT Abstract Data Type + Application Data Types
- ADU Automatic Dialing Unit
- AE Above or Equal
- AEB Analog Expansion Bus [Dialogic]
- AEC Architecture, Engineering, Construction
- AEM Asynchronous Event Mechanism
- .AERO Aviation Industry (Domain Name) [Internet]
- AES Advanced Encryption Standard
- AESA ATM End System Address
- AF Auxiliary carry Flag
- AFA Accelerated File Access
- AFC Antiferro-Magnetically Coupled (media) [IBM] +
- Automatic Font Change + Automatic Frequency Control
- AFD Automatic File Distribution
- AFDW Active Framework for Data Warehousing [Microsoft]
- AFI Authority and Format Identifier
- AFII Association for Font Information Interchange
- AFIRM Automated Fingerprint Image Reporting and Match
- AFIS Automated Fingerprint Identification System
- .AFM Adobe Font Metrics (file name extension) [Adobe Systems]
- AFP Advanced Function Presentation [IBM] +
- Advanced Function Printing +
- Appletalk Filing Protocol [Macintosh]
- AFS Andrew File System (protocols)
- AFTP Advanced/Anonymous File Transfer Protocol
- AGA Advanced Graphics Adapter
- AGC Automatic Gain Control
- AGP Accelerated/Advanced Graphics Port
- AGRAS Antiglare-Antireflective-Antistatic
- AGU Address-Generation Unit
- AH Authentication Header (protocol)
- AHS Automated Highway Systems
- AI Analog Input + Artificial Intelligence
- AIA Applications Integration Architecture [DEC]
- AIC AIXwindows Interface Composer [IBM]
- AIFF Audio Interchange File Format
- AIIM Association for Information and Image Management
- AIM AOL Instant Messenger
- AIN Advanced Intelligent Network [Bell Atlantic]
- AIP Application Infrastruture Provider
- AIR Architecture Implementation Review
- AIS Automated Identification System [NCIC] +
- Automated Information Systems
- AISB Association of Imaging Service Bureaus
- AISP Association of Information Systems Professionals
- AIT Advanced Intelligent Tape (drive) [Sony]
- AIX Advanced Interactive Executive [IBM]
- ALAT Advanced Load Address Table
- ALC Arithmetic and Logic Circuits +
- Automatic Level Control
- ALE Address Latch Enable +
- Application Linking and Embedding
- ALGOL Algorithmic Oriented Language (see IAL)
- ALIBI Adaptive Location of Internetworked Bases
- of Information
- ALICE Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity
- ALINK Active Link [HTML]
- ALIWEB Archie Like Indexing in the Web [Internet]
- ALN Asynchronous Learning Network
- ALP Automatic Language Processing
- ALR Advanced Logic Research, Inc.
- ALT Alternate (mode)
- ALT. Alternate lifestyle [USENET Newsgroup Category]
- ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit
- AMA Automatic Message Accounting
- AMANDDA Automated Messaging and Directory Assistance
- AMASS Archival Management and Storage System
- AMD Active Matrix Display + Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
- AMI Alternate Mark Inversion + American Megatrends, Inc. +
- Application Messaging Interface
- AMMA Advanced Memory Management Architecture
- [Everex Systems]
- AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone Service
- AMR Audio Modem Riser
- ANCOVA Analysis of Covariance
- ANDF Architecture-Neutral Distribution Format
- ANI Automatic Number Identification
- .ANI Animated Cursor (file name extension) [Microsoft]
- ANN Artificial Neural Network
- .ANN Annotations (file name extension) [IBM]
- ANOVA Analysis Of Variance
- ANSI American National Standards Institute
- ANX Automotive Network Exchange [Chrysler/Ford/General Motors]
- AO Analog Output
- AOCE Apple Open Collaboration Environment
- AO/DI Always On/Dynamic ISDN
- AOE Application Operating Environment [AT&T]
- AOL America Online
- AOS Add Or Subtract
- AP Adjunct Processor + Application Processor
- A/P Accounts Payable
- APA Adaptive Packet Assembly + All Points Addressable + Arithmetic Processing Accelerator
- APAR Authorized Program Analysis Report [IBM]
- APAREN Address Parity Enable [IBM]
- APCUG Association of PC User Groups
- APDU Application Protocol Data Units
- API Application Program Interface
- APIC Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (bus) [Intel]
- APIS Advanced Passenger Information System
- APL * A Programming Language (Mathematics)
- APM Advanced Power Management [IBM]
- APNIC Asia-Pacific Network Information Center [Internet]
- APOP Authenticated Post Office Protocol
- .APP Application (file name extension) [R:Base]
- APPC Advanced Program-to-Program Communications [IBM]
- APPI Advanced Peer-to-Peer Internetworking
- APPLETS Applications
- APPN Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking [IBM]
- APPS Applications
- APR Annual Percentage Rate
- APRP Adaptive Pattern Recognition Processing
- APS Advanced Photo System + Advanced Printing Service [IBM] Asynchronous Protocol Specification
- APSE ADA Programming Support Environment
- APT Address Pass Through + Advanced Parallel Technology + Automatically Programmed Tools
- A/R Accounts Receivable
- ARA AppleTalk Remote Access
- ARAG Antireflective-Antiglare
- ARAS Antireflective-Antistatic
- .ARC Archive (file name extension)
- ARCA Advanced RISC Computing Architecture
- ARCnet Attached Resource Computer Network
- .ARJ Compressed File (file name extension) [Jung]
- ARL Adjusted Ring Length
- ARLL Advanced Run Length Limited
- ARM Advanced RISC Machine (processor) + Annotated Reference Manual + Asynchronous Response Mode
- ARMA Association of Records Managers and Administrators
- ARP Address Resolution Protocol [Novell]
- ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
- ARPL Adjust Requested Privilege Level
- ARS Activity Reporting System [Unisys]
- ART Adaptive Resonance Theory (algorithm)
- ARTA Apple Real Time Architecture
- ARTIC A Real-Time Interface Coprocessor [IBM]
- ARTS Asynchronous Remote Takeover Server
- .ARTS Cultural Groups (Domain Name) [Internet]
- ARTT Asynchronous Remote Takeover Terminal
- ARQ Automatic Repeat Request
- ARU Audio Response Unit
- AS Autonomous System [Internet]
- ASAI Adjunct Switch
- DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
- QoS: Quality Of Service
- UADSL: Universal Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
- JDBC: Java DataBase Connectivity
- UDDI: Universal Description, Discovery and Integration
- ODBC: Open DataBase Connectivity
- VGA: Video Graphics Adapter
- AGP: Accelerated Graphics Port
- PCI: Peripheral Component Interconnect
- VESA: Video Electronic Standard s Association
- Vfs: Virtual File System
- NFS: Network File System
- VFAT: Virtual File Allocation Table
- Voip: Voice Over Internet Protocol
- VRML: Virtual Reality Markup Language
- NAT: Network Address Translator
- NIC: Network Interface Card
- THANK U!!!!
technical abbrevations!
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